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Tuesday 7 July 2015

There's a Hippo in My Wardrobe Eating Cake

After reading Gabrielle's post 'Manicures and Maniacs', that nagging feeling in the back of my mind really started to eat away at me. I'm sure you know all too well the one I'm talking about. You get it during exam periods, or right before a big assignment is due and you've been binging on Netflix for the last 4 hours. Yeah, that one. Talk of horror films and ghouls made me realise that it was time I faced my own fears. After all, if Naomi Watts can stumble around in a derelict cabin in the middle of the night, then I can tackle the enormous project of cleaning out my wardrobe. If Lucy from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' had stumbled into my closet, there is no way she would have ever found Narnia, due to the fact that it's almost impossible to reach the back. It seems that Hollywood really has educated me in 'how to clean your room like a movie star', as my three easy steps to an instantly tidy floor space consists of lift, shove, and hoping that door doesn't budge!

I know a lot of articles or videos I've watched have suggested when deciding whether to throw away an item, you should ask yourself 'have I worn this in the last 10 months?'. If the answer is no, get rid of it, and if yes, ask yourself whether you felt comfortable wearing the item. If the answer is yes, then that item has successfully survived the purge! No, then it's off to charity quicker then Woody and Buzz were carted off to day-care. It sounds like a simple process right? Wrong! Not when you are a serial outfit repeater like me. I'll admit, I find it easy to just re-use the same outfits over and over again like a weekly planner. Coco Chanel is probably rolling over in her grave right now. It's not that I don't love getting dressed up or trying out new styles, but when push comes to shove at 5:30 am, it's easy just to pull my hair up into a braid and throw something on I know will look good, be warm and comfortable. So when sorting out my wardrobe, I often find much loved favourites which I forgot I even owned. 

But sorting through your wardrobe doesn't have to be a chore! Set aside plenty of time so you're able to tackle ever draw (including socks and undies). Try on everything you haven't worn in a while to see if it still fits, and whether it looks just as good or better on. Experiment with ridiculous outfits and reminisce about that time when you made hot chocolate fudge and spilt it right down the front of you new white dress. While it can be hard letting go of favourites (it really is time you binned your crocs, trust me not even the thrift shop will take those), just think about how much more room and shelf space you'll have for the clothes you really love. I hope your wardrobe isn't as messy as mine and that you don't find any nasty surprises (eg. last years school lunches). I supose after all this writing I'd better get started! Wish me luck, and Gabby if you don't hear from me for a few days, I've found Narnia.

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