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Friday 28 August 2015

Bed Head

As schedules get more hectic, there is one thing that is defiantly taking a battering when it comes to attempting to maintain any sort of beauty regime. I mean when it's 5:50 in the morning I honestly have no time to tackle the nest that is perched atop of my head. Even if for some extrodinary reason I do have a FEW minutes to spare, I still wouldn't have time to do my hair. It's become one of those things I just don't make time for anymore; like shampooing twice, ironing my clothes or removing my nail polish - I mean, I'm just going to to leave that shit on there until it all chips off. I'm so far gone, that even the '5 easy hairstyles for lazy girls' tutorials are too much effort for me. And to top it all off, I feel like my priorities are so out of whack: I brush my eyebrows but not my hair! What has that world come to?! According to Google, this is what bed hair looks like:

I'd like Google to come to my house in the early hours of the morning and take a photo of my hair, because this ain't bed hair. Heck, if I woke up looking like that every morning, I'd not even bother owning a hair brush. So in order to improve the quality of googles content, I'll proudly sacrifice any dignity I have left in regards to my hair and "volunteer as tribute" in order to provide girls around the world with a realistic example of bed hair.

I've always been one of those girls who loved giving my barbie's hair cuts and using my hair mascara's to make them the hottest barbies any 90's kid could want (unlike Gabby's dolls who could have done with a treatment at one my Malibu day spa after a hard days work of 'super extreme barbie'). It's not as if I'm not in love with the mop on top of my head it's just I wish it would fall perfectly into place like Ariel's (talk about unrealistic beach hair expectations) and not end up in a tangled mess every morning. This is the first time in my life I've hated having to style my hair! Even putting it up in a half decent ponytail is a chore. At least since being a teen. In my pre-teens I would repeatedly wear a faded green Scooby-Doo head band to keep my front fringe (which I was growing out) away from my face, and without fail braid my hair in two plaits everyday. (Honestly Gabby, you should have made me throw away that headband as soon as it started turning brown from being bleached by the sun). 

I'm hoping that by the time summer rocks around I'll have found my 'hair muse' and will have mastered the top knot and bohemian waves. But until then, it's messy ponytails and yesterday's plaits for me! Let's just hope the Scooby-Doo headband doesn't resurface. 

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