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Sunday 29 March 2015

Keep Calm and Carry on Typing

As my mum would put it I'm a worry wart. I could probably put together an A-Z list of the things I worry about on a daily basis and no doubt I'd even get stuck on the tricky letters like Q,Z and X. To make things worse it's completely obvious to everyone around me when I start to feel that sickening twist in my stomach because my face flushes bright pink and my brow gets all sweaty. Which leads it the influx of questions "are you alright?", "you look a little hot", "do you want a glass of water?" And then there are those demanding/ worried looking eyes waiting for your response, and to be completely honest you're not sure if you can answer their questions without; A) breaking down in tears B) blurting out the ludicrous reason to why you suddenly feel overwhelmed with anxiety C) even if you wanted to, you're pretty sure you can't speak because the 'Wicked Witch of the West' has made a frog appear in your throat. In an attempt to calm yourself down, you do what every movie character ever has suggested to do in moments like these and "breath". Now I'm no psychologist. I mean I didn't even study psychology at school (I even had to look it up to make sure I was spelling it right), so I don't understand the therapeutic benefits of controlled breathing, and I'm not doubting that the benefits exist either. But in the case of personal experience when I'm feeling a little flustered and like a snow globe that's been rattled up a few too many times, then here a few helpful activities/ tips I find that calm my nerves and makes the day seem a little bit less stressful. Which leaves me looking back thinking 'what was I so worried about?'
So with out further a do, here is my compilation of the most relaxing and stress relieving activities I've tried to date;

1. Tea or hot chocolate for that matter;
A hot drink ought to warm you up on the inside and out, perhaps it's just me but a steaming cup of hot coco always brightens my mood and gives me time to sit and calm down. Personally hot drinks are more effective in administering a dose of the "chill pill" cause I can't guzzle them down and carry on stressing unless I want to burn my tongue, and that is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. For an awesome hot chocolate recipe check out this; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TOvAJTdMIK4

2. List;
I told you I liked lists and organisation didn't i? Well sometimes just talking to someone and explaining 'how much homework you have to do' or 'why you could never possibly have time to do everything you need to this weekend' actually helps, you never know maybe that person can help you or organise something to make your weekend less stressful. Like my mum says "people aren't mind readers" unless of course your Edward Cullen.

3. Baths;
What? You don't have time for a bath? Rubbish. Baths let me rewind at the end of a day and it's the perfect place to relax and let those strawberry scented bubbles whisk you away to dream land just before bed.

4. Candles;
The yellow hue of a candle is so much warmer and more comforting when compared to the fluorescent cold UV lighting most offices and school a have these days. Whether you adore floral or spiced scents I'm sure you'll find a scent to remind you of the comforts of your own home. May I suggest Peter Alexander's iconic caramel scented candle, you can purchase it Here or in store.

5. Pets;
I for one have a rabbit with aggressive tendencies and is in need of a severe attitude adjustment. But if you're one of the lucky ones and your pet doesn't attempt to claw your face off whenever you get near it then there is nothing better then taking your dog down to the park for a spot of catch and fresh air or entertaining your cat with a ball of yarn. Your pet is bound to help clear your head and there is no chance of them saying anything which might begin the onslaught of nerves.

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