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Saturday 21 November 2015

20 things to do before you’re 20!

(Or twenty things to do when you're bored cause age is just a number baby)

I was working at the shoe store the other day, and a customer was trying to decide between dark brown and black work shoes. The black were the  "safer choice", while the dark brown were quote “a little more crazy and reckless”.
Perhaps I hang out with too many people with blue hair or something, because if dark brown shoes are 'living on the edge', then I must be out of control. As of my most recent birthday I am NINETEEN! This is officially my last opportunity to become a teen mom, and fuck my life up forever. So in celebration of this occasion, and the fact that I have 365 days left to not be a proper adult, here my list of the Top 20 things to do before you’re 20:

1)    Prank calling: This is honestly my calling in life (no pun intended). Some kids are good at sports, I’m great at prank calling. My personal favourite is calling in sick to places you don’t actually work. A word of advice though, remember to block your number cause it gets really awkward when they realise it’s not actually “Tiffany” from an adult phone line.
2)    Bake: I’m not exactly the greatest cook. Most of the time the chicken I serve is so undercooked, a skilled vet could still resuscitate it. The point is, baking for someone you love requires a lot of time and effort, and you’ll probably both get to eat it, so really you’re just making a delicious snack.
3)    Experiment with lipstick: Try out a new colour! How about black, or even a bold red lip if you usually stick with neutral colours? What’s the worst that can happen? If it looks terrible, just wash it off!
4)    Trolley Races: When we were kids, we used to have trolley races in the shopping centre car-park! Just please be careful not to be an idiot and dangerous around cars
5)    Go to a concert: Who doesn’t like music? The answer is absolutely nobody. So by the sheer law of probability, if you’re reading this, a band you like or an artist you have on your iPod will hopefully be going on tour very soon. 
6)    Talk to an old person: Have you ever realised that elderly people have lived through the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and all the changes in fashion, music and lifestyle that go along with that. I just find that so fascinating!
7)    Make a Halloween costume: The best costumes are the ones you make with your own two hands. Plus it’s so much fun trawling through thrifty stores and vintage shops, or craft markets and department stores trying to put the outfit together
8)    VOTE: Let your opinion be heard because your voice now officially matters
9)    Cry while watching a movie: If you haven’t cried while watching a film, you’re either dead inside, or you haven’t seen enough movies. Either way, I recommend ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ or ‘Marley and Me’, cause lets be real, it’s so much sadder when dogs die in movies
10)  Volunteer: Believe it or not, there are people out there who only have Foxtel in like one of their houses. My point is, volunteering (I work in an animal shelter with the doggies)is a great way to make a small difference, and meet cool people who are statistically less likely to be jerks.
11) Find a classic literary novel that you actually like: My personal favourite is ‘Catcher in the Rye’ which is what inspired the more modern ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’
12)  Become a fangirl: Find a TV show, book, movie or celebrity that you’re obsessed with. Then put posters of them in your room, watch every YouTube video with their name in the title, and write them an email (they probably won’t respond, but good luck!)
13) Name an animal: The world is better with pets, and getting to give them a name is so much fun! Plus they can’t get teased at school if you choose something horrific like (Naah… its pronounced Na-dash-a)
14) Take some photos with a polaroid camera: Its cool seeing the photo develop right before your very eyes
15) Have a sleepover with all of your best girlfriends: ‘Nuff said
16) Get a job: What better way to earn your own money and feel the satisfaction of a hard day’s work? Ha! Are they still telling those lies?
17) Decorate your house for the holidays: Go all out one Christmas and decorate your tree and house with ornaments and decorations everywhere
18) Re-watch episodes of your favourite kids shows: I promise it will be just as magical as when you were younger (Helloooo Lizzie McGuire)
19) Buy something you really want, even if its expensive: You want beachy waves? Buy some of ‘Surfer Janes overpriced piece of shit’. Purchase something you really want and remember to treat yourself once in a while!
20) Give yourself a medal for actually reading all twenty things! Or a ‘Well Done’ ribbon if you skipped straight to number twenty.  


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